Implementing Daily Management: Do's and Don'ts

Implementing Daily Management: Do's and Don'ts


- The Purpose of Daily Management - Key Do's and Don'ts - See Also

Implementing Daily Management: Do's and Don'ts

Daily Management (DM) is a systematic approach to managing and improving an organisation's operations and performance. It involves regular monitoring of key performance indicators (KPIs), identifying issues, and implementing effective countermeasures. The primary goal of DM is to create a culture of continuous improvement with a focus on customer satisfaction.

The Purpose of Daily Management

DM is designed to bring clarity to the operations of a business by focusing on important metrics and promoting a culture of continuous improvement. It is about understanding whether we are winning or losing in our operations at a glance.

Important questions that DM seeks to answer include:

  • Are we on track?
  • What is the trend?
  • Do we have countermeasures?

Key Do's and Don'ts


Get Management Commitment: It's imperative that the management team is on board and committed to the DM process. They should be aligned with the objectives and provide the necessary resources and time.

Choose the Right Metrics: The metrics should be customer-focused, simple, repeatable, and reflect the main goals and scope of the process. They should show progress towards goals and call for action.

Place DM Board at (or Near) the Gemba: The Daily Management Boards should be placed in a location that is easily accessible to the team. This allows for easy updates and promotes engagement from the entire team.

Drive Urgency and Accountability: Make sure the team understands everything by asking questions. Personal meetings are important. Delegate ownership wisely. Teams should document all the follow-up actions.


Avoid Having Too Many KPIs: Focus on the critical ones that reflect what is truly important to the process. Having too many KPIs can lead to confusion and loss of focus.

Don't Cancel Meetings: DM meetings should always take place. They are essential for discussing progress, identifying issues, and determining necessary countermeasures.

Avoid Overcomplicating the DM Board: The board should be simple and easy to understand. It's not about having a flashy board, but about having a functional one that effectively communicates the necessary information.

Don't Only Measure at the End: Seek out decision points/steps as potential leading indicators/KPI’s, as opposed to only measuring at the end.

In conclusion, implementing DM in an organisation is a strategic move towards creating a culture of continuous improvement. It requires commitment, the right metrics, and a focus on customer needs. By following these do's and don'ts, organisations can effectively implement and benefit from Daily Management.

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