Path to Success: become comfortable with the uncomfortable
Path to Success: become comfortable with the uncomfortable

Path to Success: become comfortable with the uncomfortable


- Embracing discomfort and uncertainty for personal growth - Importance of breaking bad habits and pursuing meaningful goals - Expanding comfort zones to enhance skills and deliver value


I want to talk to you about doing uncomfortable things.

"The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably live with." - Tony Robbins 🌟

Reflecting on Tony Robbins' final session at the summit, the lessons on the threshold of control and circle of comfort and influence really resonated with me. πŸ’‘ Let me share a story with you that highlights the power of embracing change and growth. I hope that it's not too much or inappropriate but I just felt the need to share.

My Story πŸ“–

Ten years ago, the passing of my father brought up deep childhood traumas that I had left unaddressed. I spiraled into depression and lost my footing in both my personal and professional life. I was lost, overwhelmed by unaddressed issues and bad habits that had accumulated over the years. It was a dark time, filled with uncertainty and pain. πŸ˜”

But then, I decided to face my problems head-on. I began breaking down the issues and dealing with them one by one. Real momentum came when I started replacing my bad habits with better ones. πŸ’ͺ

I gave up smoking after 15 years and, to sustain this change, I also gave up drinking. My nights out turned into nights in, studying and pursuing a master's degree in Coaching and Leadership. I narrowed my friendships to those who truly supported me and invested more deeply in those relationships. πŸŽ“πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“

Through this journey, I built a family and became a father to two wonderful boys. Every day, I strive to be the father I wished my own had been, breaking the patterns of the past. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘¦β€πŸ‘¦β€οΈ

At work, I stepped out of my comfort zone, transferred to a new industry, and took on more responsibility twice. This increased my salary by 50%. Although I struggled with discomfort, I embraced it, knowing that each challenge would soon become easier. Tony Robbins always reminds me, "Do something every day that scares you!" πŸ’ΌπŸ“ˆ

What lessons come from this? πŸ“

Pursuing a meaningful goal involves doing things you have never done before. These are problems that lie outside your comfort zone and must be solved. Solving them requires a breakthrough. This is stressful, but once you have broken through, these problems no longer seem that difficult. You then start to encounter new, more complex problems and goals to solve. πŸš€

Each breakthrough expanded my circle of comfort and influence, enhancing my skills and enabling me to serve more people, solve more complex problems, and deliver more value. 🌍

You are either growing or dyingβ€”your business, relationships, and self are either growing or stagnating. Growth is what provides joy and happiness. As Jordan Peterson beautifully put it, β€œJoy comes from perceived progress towards a valued goal.” 🌱✨

In the face of uncertainty, the natural tendency is to retract to your comfort zone. But in these times remember, β€œPeople regret the things they did not do, not their failures.” 🌟

As Myamoto Musashi wisely said, "It may seem difficult at first, but all things are difficult at first." πŸ₯‹

Conclusion: 🌟

Embrace uncertainty and challenge yourself daily. It's through these challenges that we grow, achieve breakthroughs, and find true joy and fulfillment in life. Let's keep pushing our limits and expanding our circles of comfort and influence. πŸ’ͺ✨

What action are you taking for your next breakthrough?πŸ€”πŸ‘‡

#Growth #TonyRobbins #PersonalDevelopment #Leadership #Motivation #LifeLessons

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