Improvement Kata Roadmap

Improvement Kata Roadmap

Oct 3, 2024 10:32 AM
Oct 3, 2024 10:32 AM

Planning: where do you want to go?

  1. Understand the direction
    1. What challenge are you thriving for?
      1. timeline: 6months - 3 years
      2. Practice: Future-State Mapping
  2. Grasp the current situation
    1. what are the facts and data about where you are now?
      1. Practice: Steps of Process Analysis
  3. Establish the next target condition (with date)
    1. Describe where you want to be next on the way to the challenge
      1. Timeline: 1 week - 1 Month

Executing: Experiment to get there

  1. Iterate towards the Target Condition
    1. Conduct Rapid, frequent experiments to move from current condition to the taget condition.
      1. Practice: experimental record
  2. Daily Coaching cycles with the 5 Questions
    1. Coach escorts the learner and gives procedural guidance
      1. Practice: Learners Storyboard; 5 Question card