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VisualizationFuture PlanningMeditation

A way of imagining an ideal future. (can be used as an intro into the brainstorming exercise). To visualise something that you would like to improve, change of plan for the future.

What is it?

  • An exercise e to stimulate your imagination and create an ideal picture of potential future scenarios.
  • Used instead of / as a pre-cursor to brainstorming, or other ideation techniques.
  • This can also be done as a form of a meditative breathing exercise. And repeated to strengthen your ideal goals in your mind.

When to use it?

  • When trying to envisage a different or better future.
  • Develop wants and needs in a preffered scenario (alternative or pre-cursor to BS)
  • When you feel stuck and want to open up possibilities

How to use it?

Relax and close your eyes: relax your facial muscles, jaw, shoulders, arms, hands and fingers. Breathe slowly and deeply and gradually relax your chest abdomen, hips, legs, feet and toes.

Imagine: imagine your ideal future. Spend a few moments getting into the picture.

  • What are you doing?
  • Who are you with?
  • How do you feel?
  • What do you see?
  • Think about details and specific to really get immersed into the visualisation.

Ending: once you have gottena good full picture, slowly focus on your breath again an when ready open your eyes. Take a moment to write down what you saw, use post its or a flip chart.

Define your ideal picture, also what you dont want. Critique the ideal and develop a realistic goal.