

AI keywords
CreativityLateral ThinkingIdeation

What is it?

A technique to encourage creativity and lateral thinking by stimulating the creative right hemisphere of the brain. Focus on future possibilities, hope, ideas and opportunities are encouraged.

When to use it?

  • When defining an ideal future/situation
  • Defining ways to achieve a specific goal
  • Defining what you want
  • Generating a large number of ideas

How to use it?

  • Set the scene: think about the process and the question you are trying to answer.
  • Using an optimistic approach and being filled with hope, stay focused, energetic and positive.
  • Put yourself in the situation and questions and using some post it notes start generating ideas.
  • 1 idea per post it. Stick them on the wall as you go.
  • Then cluster and keep going if you can.
  • Consider/emphasise the following:
    • Think of the ideal future
    • Take yourself to the future and imagine you are there
    • Generate as many ideas as possible as quickly as possible
    • Have fun: anything goes (there is no right or wrong)

Potential Questions, ideally:

  • Where are you? What have you achieved?
  • What are you thinking/feeling/doing?
  • What have you gotten rid of?
  • What have you gained?
  • What are others saying about you?
  • In your wildest dreams...?
  • Review: Review the ideas, identify the most important ones and formulate realistic goals. Identify the ones that can be used to formulate possible strategies to achieving the specified goal